Friday, April 18, 2008

WEEK #19: March 23 - 29, 2008 continued...

Awww...That's Nice!
On our way into the city on Saturday, we had a very extensive conversation about Katie & John's now-defunct relationship. (which was great b/c we barely realized we were stuck in traffice barely moving for nearly 20 minutes!)
It's so nice that Tim cares this much about my friends, and that my friends are his friends. And that he's a guy who is ok to discuss relationships and is able to take the "girls" side since a lot of Katie & John's major issues were commitment/marriage, etc. So I think there's a lot of guys when the topic of marriage is brought up might roll their eyes and think of the girl as just greedy for a diamond!
So it made me happy that Tim was cool in this conversation b/c we too butted heads several times in the months leading up to OUR engagement where I would always worry Tim was thinking I was just one of "those girls" who just wants a big rock and a fancy wedding, instead of the true meaning BEHIND the big rock and fancy wedding :)

20-Second T.O.
Alright. We've got a trend going on. The drive back from Ellen's is just far too long and boring and we are too tired b/c I think EVERY time we've gotten into some sort of argument!
This time we were discussing the night and I said something about how Tim was like one drink shy of being drunk where it bothers me - but he took it as me SAYING I thought he was drunk so he got all defensive and then we just didn't talk for like 10min on the rest of the drive home. And I was so frustrated that I even slept on the futon that night! Tim didn't even know b/c he had gone straight to bed when we got home and passed out immediately. So the next morning he came in and we made up and were curly.
This needs to stop happening!!!


Miss Organizized said...

Aww I RIKE your "Awww...That's Nice!" this week! I even reread it after reading 20STO because I wanted to feel warm and fuzzy. Well you AND Tim were a HUGE help to me during my turbulent times so I thankyouthankyouthankyou BOTH for that!!!!!

MyMuse said...

The 20 second T.O. is so my life! Josh and I got in this trend where we got in a fight every time we would drive to Iowa to see his family. Then it would just be like an anticipatory thing I think, so it was just expected that we'd fight and we would just start bickering over nothing and get into a huge fight and have to drive for 4 hours! So frustrating.

Also, I totally understand the "almost drunk" thing because Josh does the same thing! I KNOW when I am drunk or about to be, but he is always denying his drunkness! I hate that! I think the guys think they have to be wasted to have fun. It probably started during there alcoholic days at NIU!!!

Monica O'Neill said...

OMG, Tina...we are married to the same man, in two separate states!!!!
seriously, NIU really gave these boys some problems! At least I know that both of them don't LIKE when they get overly drunk, etc. they just have no idea how to tell when it's hitting them I guess.
I know when it hits me when I burp vom.
Sorry, that was nasty :(

Let's hope they don't all get NIU-style drunk in your basement this weekend!!!! If so, just send them to my mom's so you can get some sleep!

MyMuse said...

Oh, I already told Josh I would kill him if he got drunk because I could go into labor at any second and he'd have to drive me to the hospital! They are outside right now playing randomly with ethan's little b-ball hoop and baseball bat and stuff! They're behaving...for now ;)