Friday, April 11, 2008

WEEK #17: March 16 - 22, 2008

Home Cookin'
We made tacos again! yum!

Social Butterflies
Easter Festivities
We went over to Tim's mom's in the afternoon/early evening for "Easter", even though it was Holy Saturday because our Easter Sunday was too packed. John's kids - Emily, Joe & Tony were there along with John's ex-wife Karen and her adopted Russian daughter Rory (talk about "modern-day family tree", huh?)...Uncle Ed was there of course. We played video games with Bob & Nick (tim's 1/2 brothers - our ring bearers) and hid Easter eggs for the kids to find. Then had yummy ham, pineapple casserole that is uber yum and som various other dishes.
We left about 6pm to meet my mom at our condo, as she had been hanging out at Pat & Lorie's for the day. So she came over and we watched the Marquette NCAA playoff game and then made her play Guitar Hero. She wasn't too good and it took a few rounds to even do it right, and then she got really close to finishing 'Slow Ride' on Easy :)
After playing that for a reaaaally long time we played The 80's Game, and my mom & Tim were neck and neck until we decided to call it a night at 1am after like 2-3hrs of playing! Whoa!

I emailed Tim an Evite for our scheduled "Curly Day" on Friday, April 11! Not sure if you can see this link - there's some TMI, but it's funny. And yes, those are our cats also on the guest list :)

Aww...That's Nice
It was really adorable when we were trying to teach my mom Guitar Hero. B/c she can be clueless with stuff like that, it's almost like we were teaching a 6yr old! And we were both speaking in like *soothing, encouraging tones?? It was a cozy night :)

20-Second T.O.


MyMuse said...

Your mom is awesome for even trying to play guitar hero! I can't picture my mom doing that ever!

Miss Organizized said...

I like your newish layout/photo banner thing!! awwww!!

Monica O'Neill said...

that new banner is Page 1 from our wedding album...we got proofs over the weekend!!! EXCITING!
but that's why it's so big b/c it's a jpeg from the photographer - but I thought it was so perfect cuz it has our names, etc already :)