Sunday, February 10, 2008

WEEK #9: January 13, 2008- January 19, 2008

Home Cookin'
These days, since Tim is home before me, he starts dinner. But, good news! That is about to change as I have accepted a new job only 20min away, versus and hour. So I will now consistently be home by 5:30, with much less stress from a long drive and a longer night ahead of me as I'll be able to sleep in an extra hour longer than I have been!
But anyway, this week was my recipe of the month! We made Enchiladas. And yes, we. And thank God I didn't try it on my own b/c it is a several step - several pans dirtied - recipe. But it was fun! I recommend it for a weekend though :)

Social Butterflies
Since we had a curly weekend, didn't leave the house for two days, our only Social moment was Thursday night @ BW3's in Prospect Heights w/Ashley and Andrew. It was a nice "new" thing to do - new people and a weeknight. It's nice to have the option of hangin' with people closeby.

Aww...That's Nice!
We had ultimate supremo curly weekend. Saturday all we did was play Guitar Hero III and watched TV and the rest of "Gone With the Wind" (NOTE: we had watched the first half way back in September!).

20-second T.O.


MyMuse said...

What? You got a new job too?! How do you like it? Are you doing the same stuff?

Monica O'Neill said...

Yea, I actually got the job offer of almost 2 weeks ago, i'm still at my current job until Friday. I didn't even think to talk about it in Iowa. But my commute will be 20min instead of the hour or plus I've been doing. So my blood pressure will lower significantly. It's also a much more creative and project-focused job, whereas right now it's 100 tiny little can't get one thing done w/o 353 other things coming up during! I can't wait!!!!!

MyMuse said...

That is so awesome. I'm so happy for both of you with all of your new job success. Hopefully something will come up for Josh soon too! The shorteer commute will make a huge difference. You go Glenn Coco!