Sunday, February 10, 2008

WEEK #10: January 20, 2008- January 26, 2008

Home Cookin'
Taco Night
Since we ate out or just quick meals all week, Saturday was our last chance for the week. We went grocery shopping and decided to get taco fixins. It was yum! Ironically, we had been re-watching last season's Lost episodes, and the one we watched whilst eating tacos was the one where Kate is "Monica" and "doesn't do taco nights."

Social Butterflies
Saturday Game Night @ Ashley's
Weird! For two weeks in a row, our social life was with Ashley and Andrew who we've never hung out w/before!! We went over to their place around 8pm and played a marathon round of Monopoly. Tim won!

Aww...That's Nice!
Monday night we went to Borders and browsed around for books. We got Eric Johnson's CD for "Cliffs of Dover" - our favorite song from Guitar Hero and Tim got Dan Brown's "Deception Point." Waaaay back when we first started dating and I would visit Tim in DeKalb and that winter when he returned home, we frequently went to Borders/Barnes & Noble to browse books and goof around.

20-Second T.O.


Miss Organizized said...

This Taco Nite/I don't do Taco Nite thing is SPOOKY!!!!

Monica O'Neill said...

I know, right? It totally wasn't planned..we just got our Tacos made, sat on the couch and put on the next Lost episode in line to re-watch/record! Fun times. Maybe we'll re-watch whatever the next episode is from last year with your visit this weekend?

Miss Organizized said...

Speaking of Lost, YAY STRIKE IS OVER!!! But they said they'll only be able to get out five additional episodes at the MOST. So we've got six more left out of the eight that were made pre-strike (since two have already played). Then there's going to be like a month break sometime at the end of March. Then they'll play the five that they're starting on now. But that leaves three mystery episodes from the sixteen total that won't go in this season...they'll like tack them on to next season (so there are 19 total??) or something. And they ALSO said that they're going to squeeze in eight episodes of information into the four-five left...ok maybe you didn't follow all that, but my main point is this: stupid writer's strike messing up the Lost flow!!!!!!

PS Now I will respond to the itinerary lovefest

PPS my "word verification" for this comment is tjitwmk which reminds me of my dice game comment.