Tuesday, February 19, 2008

WEEK #13: February 10, 2008- February 16, 2008

Home Cookin'
Valentine's Day
This year for Valentine's Day we went up to Milwaukee on Friday the 8th to see Louis C.K. But to still celebrate on actual Valentine's Day, we made steak tenderloins on our George Foreman grill with red skin seasoned potatoes and tomato basil soup! It was delicious!!!!!

Social Butterflies
Katie Weekend
Katie came down to visit from Friday night to Monday morning. It's probably just easier to write a recap list :)
Guitar Hero til 1am

Breakfast at Starbucks
Grocery shopping for fixins & lunch at Dominicks
More Guitar Hero
Watched wedding video montage
Looked at wedding pictures online and in the photographer albums
More Guitar Hero
Steve came over and we hung out then went to Jersey's Pizza Bar & Grill...got various sammiches and watched the NBA All-Star Dunk Contest! SUPERMAN!
Went bowling
Came back to the condo and played Buzz!
Watched SNL stuff and went to bed

I made my Grandma Krause's recipe for waffles from scratch!
More Guitar Hero
Watched random TV
Ordered Jimmy John's for lunch
Later snacked on chips and cheesy goo salsa
Tried to go get manicures/pedicures but they were booked up
Came back, watched Shrek 3 and did our OWN manicures
Watched Brothers & Sisters
Ate Bagel Bites
Watched random TV
Went to bed!

Aww...That's Nice!
Our Valentine's dinner wasy extra yummy and it was nice to have a full meal at home. And we just had Boyz II Men CD instead of TV like we normally do!

20 Second T.O.
There was a miscommunication apparantely regarding Valentine's Day gifts. When we first bought the tickets to see Louis C.K. we said that would be our Valentines. *I* meant it as, that would be what we did for Valentine's Day. *Tim* took it as that was our gift to each other! I was going to buy him a gift, but it did come out b/f then that Tim didn't think we were getting each other big gifts, so since I hadn't bought him anything yet, it worked ok. He had randomly gotten me a silly tank top that says "SnuggleSlut" and I decided afterall to still get him part of his gift - the DVD box set of "Planet Earth." We were at Best Buy that weekend and so Tim bought me "An Affair to Remember" and "Casablanca."
So no fight, per se, came of this..just a discussion and a few sly remarks on my end :)


Miss Organizized said...

GUITAR HERO!!!!!! I'm suffering from withdrawal!!!! My mom read my blog and mentioned in her email to me that she too wishes she knew someone with it because she wants to try! haha!

Is it wrong that I think it's sort of adorable that I witnessed part of the 20 second T.O. this weekend?? ;) You guys crack me up!! My fave part of that Starbucks trip, though, was when we were talking about sex next to that hot black guy on his laptop. BWAH!

Anyway, what a kickass weekend as ALWAYS!! Visiting you guys is honestly one of my all time fave things to do even when we really do nothing!! Although this weekend was honestly action packed and I CANNOT believe we totally fulfilled the itinerary. I mean even though we didn't go OUT to get our manicures, doing them ourselves whilst sippin Mai Tai's is just as awesome ;)

MyMuse said...

Boys II Men CD. Nice! Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend! Wish I could join u sometime; maybe in a few years!! :( Speaking of pampering type things like mani/pedi's, i'm getting a prenatal massage on friday, never had one before, but it'll be awesome especially after the work week is over.
P.S. How's Lorie doing?

Monica O'Neill said...

tell your mom she can come visit us :)
hey, if you think our T.O.'s are adorable - that's great! I usually find them annoying. Even though this wasn't really a *fight*, so I guess that's what kept it from being like a big blowout where you'd feel all uncomfortable or something.
Glad you had a fun weekend! We did too!

Monica O'Neill said...

Boyz II MEn, ohhh yea - it felt like high school all over again!
Someday when your kids are bigger and we have lil kiddies too, you'll have to visit and we'll have a big 'ol party :)
Have fun on your prenatal massage. I always wondered how those worked. Hope it makes you feel fabulous!
Lorie is ok. The baby has been wanting to come, so they're giving her stuff to basically keep that kid in there! She goes for those hormone tests every few days that can tell if you're going into labor in the next 72hrs. Everyone is hoping that the baby doesn't come until March..but it'll be soon no matter what!