Wednesday, October 1, 2008

WEEK #43: 9/7 - 9/13

Home Cookin'
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Big 'ol breakfast of eggs, potatoes o'brien and sausages!

Social Butterflies
Whaaa whaaaa

Ok, I'm really not good at ordering food over the phone. I'm not sure why. A large part of my career has been on the phone and there's no problem there. But since Tim& I have been dating, whenever we order a pizza or anything, I make him do it. He always rolls his eyes at me, not understanding why I "can't" do it. WELL. Now he witnessed it! We were ordering separate dinners from separate places on Friday night, and I was ordering from a Thai place for the first time. They pick up and I say "Hi!" somewhat over-enthusiastically...and Tim, sitting next to me, busts out laughing at me! SO then I start shaking in laughter while choking on the words "I'd like to place an order for delivery" to which the asian lady on the phone responds in a very heavy accent - "Heeeelllooo?? are you taaalking??" So I have to get up off the couch and SPRINT to the bedroom and close the door so I can gather my breath and continue ordering!
SO now, I believe, I will never have to order anything ever again!

Aww...That's Nice
I really wanted to make a nice big breakfast on Saturday, but it was super rainy out so didn't feel like going out to get eggs - so Tim did! yaya!

1 comment:

Miss Organizized said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! You never told me that Thai phone story and it is CRACKING ME UP!!!&#^$&*#^%*#%^*#&%^*&# I'm imagining you FLIPPING OUT on the inside but trying to be all *professional?? And of course it involves an Asian lady so that makes it even more hilarious!!! Anyway WHEW--gaining MY composure--that was a good laugh...THANKS!

PS I'm enjoying all of these Aw That's Nice Tim stories!! ;)