Tuesday, September 9, 2008

MONTH #9: July 18 - August 17, 2008

Margarita Slush
-8 C water
-1 1/2 C sugar
Heat in large pot and dissolve. Let cool.
-12 oz can frozen lemonade
-12 oz can frozen limeade
-1 1/2 C tequila
-1 C triple sec
Mix together and freeze.
Serve in margarita glasses!

Will You Go Out With Me?
La Magdalena and then went to see Pineapple Express for Tim's birthday.

That's Hilarious
Katie saying she wanted to have sex with Tiger Woods on a bed of money - and Tim hearing it as bed of monkeys!

Good Talk
We've been discussing the reality of where recent events are taking us. With Tim getting the job at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange that is only part-time and not paying well, but wanting to go back to school that CME will pay for, we had to figure out what this means for us financially and for our marriage as a whole. It's still just a day at a time, so we'll have to adjust as we go : \

Tim made some career strides this month starting with more promising job opportunities and ending with his new job at the CME. Unfortunately, what we thought was the best-case-scenario, a job at the CME, wasn't as good as we hoped - as with many of our hopes. He's getting paid less than he did when he was an intern there in 2003 and it's only part-time. On the bright side, it is not sales, they pay for school immediately and it is a gigantic company. But we are in for a very very long journey before we're even near I'd been hoping to have when we got married.

Marriage Epiphany
Rolling with the punches.
A year ago, I thought we'd be house/townhouse shopping by now. Heck, I even thought there was a chance we'd be talking babies! But the past 3 months have thrown us for a loop and now we're on a different path.
So now what? We need to find things to replace what we are lacking. We aren't house shopping - so instead let's career shop! I am taking a Meeting & Event Planner course at Harper College and Tim will be looking into Master's programs - enrolling most likely in the 2nd semester.
I guess you could call it a distraction, but these positive efforts are more like filling the space available in our "dream cabinet." Life is always a little more exciting when there's something to look forward to.


Miss Organizized said...

Hey how WAS Pineapple Express anyway???

Yay Harper College :) :) :)

Monica O'Neill said...

eh, it was ok. I wanted to fall asleep during it cuz we went to see a 9pm one. It really is a stoner action movie - like shooting and big blow-ups, etc. But the storyline's just kinda random, with funny moments in it. but yea, you could rent it maybe but I wouldn't recommend it.