Thursday, May 15, 2008

WEEK #24: April 27 - May 3, 2008

Home Cookin'
Taco Night - Sunday
This is really becoming a regular thing! I like it!

Social Butterflies
It was a light week since Tim got his wisdom teeth pulled :(
Saturday Night (Monica)
I went to Fox & Hound to meet up with Christine & Ashley (SMG) and their men for dinner and a few drinks. I had some crazy Purple Viper drink that was strong and GOOD. After three of those bad boys I was feeling pretty good. But a little bit lame since I was home before 8pm since the couples had night time plans, so there I was drunk while it was still daylight :)
It was a good time reminiscing with the girls and actually made me miss SMG and moreso, that if I had stayed I probably could have been moved to the downtown Interactive dept...not that that's my "dream" but as summer nears working downtown is alluring.



Awww....That's Nice!
Taking care of Tim after getting his teeth pulled! I had to help him to the car, buy him pudding, juice and other soft stuff. Got him hom and set him up in the bedroom with all his "supplies". On Saturday, after Kitty Duty, I brought him an Oreo Frosty from Wendy's!

20- Second T.O. was something stupid about that I made a random noise? Clicking my tongue or something...Tim asked why I made said noise so I assumed he was annoyed because it was a "mouth noise!!!" (tim's #1 pet peeve, he's sensitve to the slightest sound!). Blah, then the fight just sorta ended.


Miss Organizized said...

MOUTH NOISE!!! Haha! Aww, I actually had to laugh at that 20STO ;) You guys crack me up.

What also cracks me up is: "so there I was drunk while it was still daylight" NICE! Those times are fun!

MyMuse said...

Tim will die around Ethan...he makes super obnoxious mouth noises all the time, and he gets right up in your face too!

Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!