Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week #25: May 4 - 10, 2008

Home Cookin'
:( Wah, Wah...Tim had his wisdom teeth pulled so he wasn't so much eating anything exciting. So we kept it basic!

Social Butterflies
Monday Night (Monica)
I went out with Colin and his guy friend to Applebee's then bowling at Poplar Creek Bowl! Usually I suck a lot the first game, and get a little better the second game. But this time I bowled an 80-something and then a 133!!!! Wow! Plus, they have $5 mai tai's that are great!
Thursday Night (Monica)
After work I went out with some Qwest team people to Village Tavern in Carol Stream. Had a few beers and a few smokes on an empty stomach so I was feeling it! A lot of fun conversation about girls' asses and strip clubs!!! ???
I got to go to the Cubs game for free! A lettershop vendor had some tickets available for their skybox! So at 11:30am we were picked up and driven down to Wrigley Field for the game! There was free food and a nice big spread of food. Fantastic view and even little heat lamps since it was a COLD day!
Friday Night
I was pretty zonked from the day and the night before (I'm old!) so just wanted to be curly. Ellen stopped by for a little while. We chatted, watched 'Scrubs' and she checked out the wedding album :)
My mom came to town! So at 5pm I went over to Pat & Lorie's to take her to our manicure/pedicure appointments at Heavenly Massage! There was a little bit of a wait, but they got us done pretty quick. And hey, for $30 can't complain too much! After that we went to pick up Tim, then to Lou Malnati's to pick up our pizzas. Then back over to Pat & Lorie's to hang out. Of course since 'Uncle Tim' was there, Isabella and Nicolas wanted to watch Toy Story 2. So we all sat there, looked at the wedding albums and my mom's Italy pictures. Then my mom came back with us to stay the night. We only had time to watch one Lost episode before we were all sleepy!

Isabella's "interview" for her preschool yearbook. My brother read it outloud to us and MAN I wish I had a copy to type up here. It was very ADD-driven, going from talking about Nicolas' Spiderman themed bday party he'll have this year, and then back to what they got from Christmas, then something about how her 'baby' (Bianca) doesn't have any teeth, then something about summer, then a rather graphic description of how Bianca was born via c-section "the doctors had to cut open her belly to get bianca out then put mommy's tummy back together" - we were all D-Y-I-N-G!!!

Awww...That's Nice!
Cuddling and playing with Isabella and Nicolas! We took selfies and looked at the wedding album - they got a kick out of being in some of the pictures and Isabella made comments on pretty much every picture and would say random things about the day. Tim held Bianca for a long time, she was super comfy and passed out!

20-Second T.O.
Not so much a fight as just an extended conversation about my "grass is greener" issues. It helped to just say some of it outloud. I know Tim's feelings were hurt by the way it came across, but it's something that bothers me a lot and just needed to be said.


Miss Organizized said...

YAY BLOG! I kept checking all week to see when you'd post again ;)

You were TOTALLY Miss, er Mrs. Social Butterfly that week! I like it :D I'm still way jealous of your upcoming couples bowling :( "GIG"=Grass is Greener!! ;) Why is it that I think couples bowling is like the coziest ever??? Maybe because my first *real boyfriend was BOB and he and I bowled for one of our dates and I was all attracted to his good bowling ability so it was a swirly time? I don't know.

OMG that Bella interview story??? DIES!!!!! I wish I could hear the whole thing!!!

I'm also dying for a nice mani pedi now that warm weather is approaching (is it????)...since there's like no way we can squeeze it into our itinerary for SOS weekend, I think I'll break down and get one before Chelsea's bach party.

MyMuse said...

That interview sounds hilarious!! It's funny that she talked about the baby not having teeth because Ethan always tells me that Zachary's teeth have to "grow up"! Wierd!!