Monday, January 7, 2008

WEEK #7: December 30, 2007 - January 5, 2008

Home Cookin'
We went back to the 'ol standby this week and the best we did was a "gourmet" meal of Hamburger Helper! But we did cook it together so that was cute!
With Tim's new job, he's now a 9-5er, but his commute is less than half of mine, so he'll always be home before me so it will be hard for the nights I want to try a new recipe that he will have to just sit and wait for me to get home and do it all, rather than get a start on dinner as he can do & does when we're having our basic meals.

Social Butterflies
The holiday season has served us well in this catergory!
New Year's Eve 12/31
We went to Ellen's around 8pm. Played Guitar Hero for a little while. She got Guitar Hero 2 for Christmas so we brought our guitar with us to play battles!
Then we walked to the Map Room with Ellen, Brad, Anthony and Jenn & Billy met us there. I drank Lindeman's Framboise which was as uber yummy belgian beer that I am now obsessed with! The others drank Piraat beer, which of course we called "pirate".

Katie's Birthday 1/5
We drove up to Milwaukee Saturday afternoon and went over to Josh & Tina's for a couple hours. Tim & Josh played Guitar Hero (it's a recurring theme, don't ya think?)
Then we went to John's first so I could give Katie her gift - a fleece blanket embroidered with her name in a Chococat back-pack and also a Christmas journal which was really regifted from our Christmas presents since we got two.
We all walked to Zim's and had dinner. It was Josh, Tina, me, Tim, Katie, John, Mandsi and later Marne & Nick, Michelle & Dave and Nicole. When Josh & Tina had to go, Tim went with them and so it was a nice night "apart", but we were together for 1/2 of it. So a best of both worlds scenario!

Awww...That's Nice!
I'll be the first to admit I pulled a "girl" move on New Year's, for no real reason. I didn't feel drunk, but I did have several of the framboise beers, which are stronger in alchohol content than most drinks, so I guess it was only affecting my head, not my stomach as usual.
Basically, I just got really 'meh' about something that happened three months ago - Tim got a random text msg from his ex-girlfriend. We had gotten into it way back then, but for some crazy reason it popped back into my head after a few drinks on New Year's and I was being all pouty, jealous girl?
WELL, Tim, instead of getting super annoyed as he could have been, launched into a 10-minute speech about how much his ring, our wedding and our marriage/future means to him. It made me feel embarassed by my silliness, but really good about his confidence!

20-Second T.O.
Only a couple tiny little spats that lasted less than 5 minutes and didn't really matter!


Miss Organizized said...

OMG!! I love your recap of my birthday!! Thanks again for the raging good time (ok not raging, but maybe bubbly?) And ALSO Thanks for the gifts!! I LOVE MY CHOCOCAT!!!

nik von H said...

Thanks for the shout out! Haha - It was good to see you again Monica. I think you should bring your happy ass north more often!

Monica O'Neill said...

Weee!!!! A lot of people got shout-outs in this "episode"!
Your bday was one of my favorite nights out in recent history (not counting bachelorette party & wedding OF course)
I saw a Chococat calendar, but instead got Packers for work WHAT UP and b&w pics of NYC - High Five!