Friday, December 28, 2007

WEEK #4: December 9, 2007 - December 15, 2007

Home Cookin'
Ok, ok. I failed! Sunday we did family stuff and two nights Tim was home so he took care of dinner. :( I'm making up for it in Month #2!

Social Butterflies
Mom Simon visit - Sunday
My mom came down for a random visit. We watched the video montage from the wedding again and looked at Hawaii pictures. I made her grilled cheese and we watched the Packer game.
Nick & Bob's Birthday - Sunday
Following my mom's visit, I went to pick Tim up and we headed over to his mom's house for Nick & Bob's 5th birthday party. They were already done eating, so we picked at leftovers. The boys opened a whole bunch of presents and we looked at Mom G's pictures from the wedding.
Dan & Lorena's Wedding "Reception" - The Hunt Club - Friday
My coworkers had a small wedding - just ceremony at dinner, but wanted to meet friends out afterwards for drinks. We brought Ellen along with us. The happy couple didn't arrive til about 2hrs later, but we had a good time listening to some awesome music and visiting! Ellen randomly knows Dan's sister?!?!

Aww...That's Nice!
Saturday Night
After our out-of-the-ordinary night out in the city, we dialed it down a bit and stayed the night in. We were curly on the couch and watched Claymation Christmas and Garfield Christmas specials.

20- Second T.O.
Friday Night Drive Home
I was very sleepy behind the wheel and when we hit traffic (yes, at 3am - it's chicago!) I asked Tim to talk to me. He was caught off-guard and couldn't think of anything to say off the top of his head so seemed confused. I got very annoyed because I thought it was a simple request. We ended the drive in silence, and continued to argue when we got inside and went to bed angry. We woke up ok until I *had* to bring it up again (yes, I realize this is always a bad move that I need to stop doing!). It escalated to a fight, but then we got it to simmer to a conversation and we both got our side of the argument explained and understood.
LESSON: Skip the yelling and get right to the calm explanation portion of the argument.


Miss Organizized said...

Omg I SO need to learn that too...and I need to learn not to pout and drag something out (well, so does a certain other someone). When will it get easier to just skip right to the calm explanation part??!!

Monica O'Neill said...

Dude. while tim & i have gotten SO much better with fighting (hello! we don't just yell & call each other names and slam doors for an hour and say we're leaving)...we still easily slip into that old crap. and I think we are both so OVER the old crap but can't stop doing it? so then that just ADDS to the fight. argh. sucks!